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Priceless lifestyle, affordable lots… and ocean view too

Holland Creek environmental preservation

Careful planning and stringent environmental measures preserve Holland Creek as a fish-producing stream within a residential area.

The development is interlaced with a green necklace of open spaces, natural features, riparian corridors and trails. We respect and works with the existing natural conditions. We have also worked closely with the Town of Ladysmith, residents, and our partners in the Stz’uminus First Nation.

The project is under the management of the Holland Creek Partnership between EDJ Projects and the Stz’uminus First Nation. The designated green spaces and focus on riparian areas attest to our commitment to preserving the area in its natural state and the Stz’uminus’ deep-rooted connection to the natural world.

A good fit for Ladysmith’s Community Vision Report

Our Holland Creek residential development meets the standards laid out in the Town of Ladysmith’s Community Vision Report. The report, entitled “A Community Vision for a Sustainable West Coast Town,” clearly explains the community’s preferences for future development.

Development Maps

Click on the map images below to view larger size.

Holland Creek Master Plan


Phase 2 Map – Stages 3&4